第1部【財務思維】建立財務思維,從財務的角度看企業管理,推動戰略實現 | |
一、財務管理與業務管理的融合 | 二、財務分析在企業戰略決策中的作用 |
-企業經營兩大循環:經營循環與資金循環如何相輔相成 -企業經營層次分析:企業財務管理全景分析以及與業務管理的關系 | -企業決策及其經濟后果分析:不同決策究竟如何影響企業價值 -財務管理如何具有戰略管理思想:相關利益者分析 案例分析: -案例1:微軟、萬科等:財務管理如何支撐企業經營,推動戰略實現。 -案例2:上汽集團、蘇寧電器等:對8家公司進行財務報表指標對比分析,加深對財務全景和理念的認識。 拓展應用: -練習1:研究本公司財務數據,與案例企業進行對比分析,嘗試發現經營風險。 案例分析: -案例3:貴州茅臺、四川長虹等:分析10家公司的行業財務數據特點,對企業、行業指標深入認識。 -案例4:多家上市公司提供虛假報表的常用伎倆解析 拓展應用: -練習2:結合案例材料,分析企業財務狀況,進行決策討論并編制三張報表。 |
第2部【財報解讀】把握財報精髓,理解報表背后的信息 | |
三、全面理解三張財務報表 | 四、財務報表之間的關聯度分析 |
-財務報表的核心:資產計價 -資產負債表分析:為何被譽為企業的“第一會計報表” -利潤表分析:如何提供企業經營成果、反映盈虧情況 -現金流量表分析:現金流如何產生?為何能決定未來? | -三張財務報表的關聯度分析:數字關系發現企業問題 -不同企業財務報表數據的特點:財報數據深入對比,挖掘行業特性 |
第3部【經營分析】透析經營狀況,從財務數字差異發現企業經營本質問題 | |
五、利用財務分析方法進行經營分析 | |
-財務分析技術的方法介紹:為何比率分析應用最廣? -杜邦分析法的解釋與應用:從杜邦分析法看企業業務管理與財務管理的效率與安全 六、透視企業經營真實狀況——公司賺不賺錢?有沒有錢?能不能一直賺錢? -企業真實的經營狀況解析:企業的盈利能力、償債能力、運營能力、發展能力究竟如何? -財務比率在各領域的應用:商業銀行信貸決策、公司年報中有哪些指標?總會計師看重哪些指標? 案例分析: -案例5:杜邦分析法在企業中實際應用 -案例6:中興通訊、長安汽車、葛洲壩水電站等這些行業在持續盈利嗎? 拓展應用: -練習3:根據所給知名企業的財務指標,分析不同行業企業的經營狀況和特點,您認為賺錢的行業真的賺錢嗎?(中石油、東方航空、長江電力、美的集團等) 案例分析: -案例7:佛山照明、微軟等企業的財務決策 -案例8:房地產企業財務管理發展之路 拓展應用: -練習4:課程全回顧與討論 | |
第4天【財報解讀】把握財報精髓,理解報表背后的信息 | |
七、投資分析——風險與成本的權衡 | 八:重大經營決策的改進 |
-投入與產出如何平衡:企業資源如何配置 -投資分析與工具應用:投資分析三步走及工具應用比較 -成本分析與工具應用:盈虧平衡點與運營杠桿分析 | -財務管理對高層經營決策支持:財務困境預測與決策依據 -企業反思與創新:從管理角度看財務,用財務智慧做管理 |
基本原則:假設P是母公司,S是子公司,P擁有S 80%的股票
1、add together:把相同項相加。P的PPE價值100W,S的PPE價值50W,合并的PPE價值是150W(雖然只擁有80%,但是母公司可以控制子公司所有的資產,所以加100%的子公司的資產切記不是100W+50W*80%=140W)
2、 cancellation of like items internal to the group:內部交易的抵消。假設P公司有應付賬款100W ,S 有應收賬款50W。P在S賒購10w存貨,P報表有欠S應付賬款10W,S報表有P10W的應收賬款。那么在合并報表中應收賬款應該是50W-10W,應付賬款應該是100W -10W(本質上商品還是在自己的手中,沒有產生轉移)
3、owned everything then show the extent to which you do not own everything:母公司像擁有子公司一樣去控制子公司。母公司能夠完全控制子公司的所有資產和負債的。例如上面的150W的PPE一樣。
IAS 27 Separate financial statements *
IAS 28 Investments in associates and joint ventures *
IFRS 3 Business combinations *
IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements *
相關的概念要牢記,學習,理解以及應用。例如:Control, Power, NCI少數股東權益, Subsidiary, Parent, Group集團公司, Consolidated financial statements合并報表。
Subsidiary:>50%的股票。一般而言control,>50%voting power 超過一半的投票權, power to govern the financial and operating policies 有權力管理公司的日常活動, power to appoint or remove a majority of members of the board of directors 有權任命或移除董事會的大部分成員。
Associates:20%-50%之間的份額,significant influence using the equity method 通常使用權益法進行計算,IAS28 requires 'power to participate', but not to 'control' 有權參與但是無權控制(參與公司的日常活動和財務等決策)董事會里面有代表,Participation in the policy making process 參與方針決策的制定
Trade investments,僅僅是為了分紅或者分利潤。記錄方式:Trade investments are simply shown as investments under non-currentassets in the consolidated statement of financial position of the group.
插播:equity method權益法(聯營公司的計量方法)
基本原則:假設A是associate,P是被投資公司。不管P公司是否分配earnings as dividends,A公司總會把P的稅后利潤加在自己的報表中。P Co achieves this by adding to consolidated profit the group'sshare of A Co's profit after tax.
注意: 在SPL中,與控制子公司(記>50%的所有科目)不一樣,權益法中不記錄sales revenue,cost of sales等其他科目,不是一行一行加,而是只記錄profit after tax。
Under equity accounting, the associate'ssales revenue, cost of sales and so on are not amalgamated with those of thegroup. Instead, only the group share of the associate's profit after tax isadded to the group profit.
AC 實際成本 actual cost
ACWP 已完工作實際成本 Actual Cost for Work Performed
BAC 完工預算 budget at completion
CCB 變更控制委員會 change control board
COQ 質量成本 cost of quality
CPAF 成本加獎勵費用合同 cost plus award fee contracts
CPFF 成本加固定費用合同 cost plus fixed fee contract
CPI 成本績效指數 cost performance index
CPIF 成本加激勵費用合同 cost plus incentive fee contract
CPM 關鍵路徑法 critical path activity
CV 成本偏差 cost variance
EAC 完工估算 estimate at completion
EF 最早完成日期 early finish date
EMV 預期貨幣價值 expected monetary value
ES 最早開始日期 early start date
ETC 完工尚需估算 estimate to complete
EV 掙值 earned value
EVM 掙值管理 earned value management
FF 完成到完成 Finish-to-Finish
FFP 固定總價合同 Firm-Fixed-Price Contract
FMEA 失效模式與影響分析 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
FP-EPA 總價加經濟價格調整合同 Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment Contracts
FPIF 總價加激勵費用合同 Fixed Price Incentive Fee Contract
FS 完成到開始 Finish-to-Start
IFB 投標邀請書 Invitation for Bid
LF 最晚完成日期 Late Finish Date
LOE 支持型活動 Level of Effort
LS 最晚開始日期 Late Start Date
OBS 組織分解結構 Organizational Breakdown Structure
PDM 緊前關系繪圖法 Precedence Diagramming Method
PMBOK 項目管理知識體系 Project Management Body of Knowledge
PV 計劃價值 Planned Value
QFD 質量功能展開 Quality Function Deployment
RACI 執行、負責、咨詢和知情矩陣 Responsible、Accountable、Consult、Inform Matirx
RAM 責任分配矩陣 Responsibility Assignment Matrix
RBS 風險分解結構 Risk Breakdown Structure
RFI 信息邀請書 Request for Information
RFP 建議邀請書 Request for Proposal
RFQ 報價邀請書 Request for Quotation
SF 開始到完成 Start-to-Finish
SOW 工作說明書 Statement of Work
SPI 進度績效指數 Schedule Performance Index
SS 開始到開始 Start-to-Start
SV 進度偏差 Schedule Variance
SWOT 優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅 Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,Threats
T&M 工料 Time and Material
WBS 工作分解結構 Work Breakdown Structure
1.Credits to sit for exam
2.Credits for license
6.Social security
8.Ethics exam
1.如果未滿150學分是否可以參加考試,答案是可以,但你要選擇credits to sit for exam這一項是120(B.A.)的州,也就是本科學歷即可滿足,一般具體專業不限,只要滿足120學分即可。
2.除U.S.Virgin Islands外,絕大多數州都需要150學分來獲得license.所以計劃好補學分的方式和時間尤為重要。
3.除了Puerto Rico外,其他所有的州都要求Experience。一般的情況,這個工作經驗需要是提交license的申請時最近一年的工作經驗,而且是在一個AICPA的supervise下,并且工作的內容應當是與美國會計準則相關的(而非其他國家的或IFRS之類的國際準則)。
以上所述如有疑問,請以具體州的Board of Accountancy和NASBA、AICPA等網站公布為準。需要詳細的美國USCPA/AICPA各個州的報考條件的點擊下方領取
5.Slide with notes
6.Briefing paper / note
7.Extract from a statement
9.Press release
To : XXX
From: XXX
Date: dd/mm/yy
Dear XXX,
(Body / context)
Best regardsXXX
From: XXX
Date: dd/mm/yy
This report is mainly about.......
(Body / context)
To : XXX
From: XXX
Date: dd/mm/yy
(Body / context)
To : XXX
Date: dd/mm/yy
Dear XXX,
(Body / context)
Yours sincerely / faithfully
Slide with notes
Slide 1:
-Point 1
-Point 2
-Point 3
-Paragraph 1
-Paragraph 2
-Paragraph 3
Briefing paper / notes
Subject : XXX
Opening remarks
(Body / context)
Extract from a statement
Body / context
-use subheadings
Objectives :
Key stakeholders:
Project team:
Risks identified:
Performance measurements:
Press release
Press statement
Issued by :
The board wish to issue the following statement in response to comments received in the recent XXX event. We value XXX and so wish to express our condolences and sympathy to all those affected. We should reassure our shareholders and the general public that we are working diligently to ……
This statement would address the following issues.
Body / context
說在最后的話:格式除了是題目要求之外,往往也和問題的性質,關聯的情景,所處的場合有關,不妨通過練習,去總結一下,什么樣類型的問題,問題更多的會要求用report來書寫;什么樣的場合,press release會更受青睞?總結之后,你才會發現,格式后填充的內容,說話人的語氣和措辭都和這些場景有關系,也才會主動積累和改正~加油!
Worldwide famous‘Toyota pioneered lean practices’crashed and burned in early 2010,which changed the fate of the world top one automobile manufacturer and also rang the alarm bell to all the finance and operation executives that how to avoid Toyota tragedy while implementing lean finance into production.
As the lean approach percolates into ever wider circles of operations,it ceases to be about best practice and starts to become a part of the fabric of doing business.The important thing,in the heat of competition,will be how well companies implement them and averse the follow-up risks,which caused by the diversity of cultures,infrastructures and environments.
This training aims to look at wider ranging operational excellence programs and the methods of successful implementation.It is also more about building the energy and engagement of employees from the shop floor and the office pool upward,tapping into their ideas,focusing them on constant problem solving,and keeping them open to change and flexibility.
Learning how companies like Boeing,Parker Hannifin,Siemens,Messier Dowty and hosts of smaller firms are revolutionizing accounting,control and measurement processes
The first systematic lean program about the specifics of adapting financial systems to better serve lean operations by the world leading lean authority
Providing accurate,timely and understandable information to motivate the lean transformation throughout the organization,and for decision-making leading to increased customer value,growth,profitability,and cash flow
Using lean methods to eliminate waste from the accounting processes while maintaining thorough financial control
Supporting the lean culture by motivating investment in people,providing information that is relevant and actionable,and empowers continuous improvement at very level of the organization
Developing action plans for implementing Lean Accounting methods in participating companies considering the existing defense industry structural barriers
Learning the approach of how to design and measure work to achieve business objectives to implement your lean system design
Helping the design of a radically new way of the processes and savagely eliminating wastes from it
Putting performance measurement on a different level
Reducing customer wait times and creating value to them by kinds of tools
Executive Leaders,Financial Professionals,Lean Specialists
Financial Directors,Financial Managers,Accountants
Senior Managers in Operations,Product,Procurement,Sales,and Marketing,etc.
Highly recommending to bring a small group or team to the workshop to maximize the benefits
Lean Introduction
Five Principles of Lean Thinking
New lean methods of accounting,control&measurement
Box Score
The Structure of Box Score
Box Score implementing in lean accounting to prioritize the lean improvement projects
Value Stream Management
The importance and helpfulness of value streams
A standard method for determining the value stream flows
Flows implementing for developing the best value stream organization
Group Work:Design a value stream structure for a company making values and manifolds
Lean Performance Measurements
Lean measurements‘Starter Set’
‘Lean Performance Measurement Linkage Chart’
Changing‘command&control’management style to a lean management style
Value Stream Accounting
Value streams as the primary cost objects
Collecting information of summary,direct value stream revenue and cost
Creating a‘Plain English’income statement
Value Steam Capacity
Value steam map
Capacity model
Value stream capacity usage and analysis
Decision Making
Box Score decision-making templates
Effective decision making
Transaction Elimination
Identifying and eliminating the wasteful transactions
Transaction Elimination Maturity Path Matrix
Lean Accounting‘Footprint’Chart–current&future state
Documenting the changes
Box Score in an Administrative Process
Box Score for monitoring and improving the process
Radical improvement in an account payable process
Implementation of Basic Lean Accounting
Approach to the implementation of basic lean accounting