Great changes will take place in 2012 for IFRS,in this critical year,what key milestones can help you to ensure you will be well prepared for filing your first interim IFRS financial statements 2011 will be discussed in this training.
In the context of increasing global usage of IFRS and expected convergence of PRC GAAP with IFRS over the coming years,we will discuss both the current differences between PRC GAAP and IFRS as well as highlighting some of the developments in IFRS that are currently under discussion.This training is appropriate for both the novice in IFRS financial reporting who needs to be up-to-date quickly,and the veteran financial professional who is looking for a refresher course which including current issues and projects.In this course we will highlight IFRS VS PRC GAAP with details to help you on applying these two standards into your real business.
Understanding that accounting standards are not just a matter for specialists
Cementing your knowledge of IFRS with hands-on case studies and examples
Recognizing and going beyond the difference between IFRS and Chinese GAAP
Technical analysis and discussion on the latest strategic updates and future direction of IFRS
Implementing IFRS accounting for assets,liabilities and owners equity
Revisiting basic concepts such as lease accounting,impairment,fair value,revenue recognition,contingencies,financial instruments,business combinations…
Providing recent updates and their consequences including IFRS for small and medium-sized entities
Guidance on the challenges to face when first time adoption or implementing new/or some specific standards
Finance Director/Manager/Controller
Auditing Manager
Accounting Manager
Investment/Financial/Equity Analysts
Day 1
A.Introduction to IFRS
-Latest Developments at the IASB
-Convergence with US GAAP
-Convergence with Chinese GAAP
-IFRS–a principle based framework of accounting
-Summary of IFRS 2009-2011 updates
-IFRS and fair value considerations,IFRS 13 Fair value measurement
-Current assets,IAS 2 Inventories/CAS 1 Inventories
-Tangible fixed assets,IAS 16 Property,Plant and Equipment/CAS 4 Property,Plant and Equipment
-Current update of lease accounting,IAS 17 Leases;ED/2010/9 Leases/CAS 21 Leasing
-Intangible assets–intellectual property and development costs,IAS 38 Intangible assets/CAS 6 Intangible assets
-Borrowing costs,IAS 23 Borrowing costs/CAS 17 Borrowing costs
-Impairment,IAS 36 Impairment of assets/CAS 8 Impairment of assets
-Contingencies,IAS 37 Provisions,Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets/CAS,13 Contingencies
-Retirement benefits,IAS 19 Employee Benefits/CAS 9 Employee Benefits
-Update of financial instruments and hedge accounting,IFRS 7 Financial Instruments:Disclosures/CAS 37 Financial,Instruments:Presentation and Disclosures,IFRS 9 Financial Instruments/CAS 12 Debt restructuring;CAS 22 Financial Instruments:Recognition and Measurement,CAS 23 Transfer of Financial Assets;CAS 24 Hedging
D.Income and expenditure
-Revenue recognition,IAS 11 Construction contracts/CAS 15 Construction contracts,IAS 18 Revenue;ED/2010/6 Revenue from contracts with,customers/CAS 14 Revenue
-Taxes,IAS 12 Income Taxes/CAS 18 Income Taxes
-Other Income statement topics,IAS 20 Accounting for Government grants and Disclosure of Government Assistance/CAS 16 Government Grants,IAS 21 The effects of changes in foreign exchange rates/CAS 19 Foreign Currency Translation,IFRS 2 Shared-based Payment/CAS 11 Share-based payment,IFRS 8 Operating Segments/CAS 35 Segmental Reporting
Day 2
E.Consolidation and business combinations
-What constitutes a business combinations,IFRS 3 Business combinations/CAS 20 Business combinations
-Inclusion of investments with differing levels of control,IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements/CAS 33,Consolidated financial statements,IFRS 11 Joint arrangements/CAS 2 Long term equity investments,IFRS 12 Disclosure of interest in other entities
F.Financial statements and first time adoption
-Disclosure requirements,IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements/CAS 30 Presentation of financial statements,IAS 7 Statements of cash-flows/CAS 31 Cash flow statements,IAS 8 Accounting policies,changes in accounting estimates and errors/CAS 28 Changes in accounting policies and estimates and correction of errors,IAS 10 Events after the reporting
period/CAS 29 Events after the balance sheet date,IAS 24 Related party disclosures/CAS 36 Related party disclosures,IAS 33 Earnings per share/CAS 34 Earnings per share,IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting/CAS 32 Interim financial reporting,IFRS 5 Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
-First time application issues,IFRS 1 First-time adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards/CAS 38 First Time Adoption of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises
G.Summary of ASBE/CAS/IFRS differences
-Recap the differences between old and new Chinese GAAP with IFRS
H.IFRS for SMEs(Small and Medium Sized Enterprises)
-To whom does it apply?
-Differences Between“Full”IFRS and“IFRS for SMEs”
答案:A 解析:題目問的是,調整了那些不在管理層控制范圍之內的因素之后,下列哪些方面仍然是業績做的不好的,換句話就是以下哪些variance,在operational 角度是adverse的。Operational variance要用revised 和 actual 比較。
1) Sales volume
2) Sales revenue
Actual: $28,500
Revised revenue=revised sales volume*revised sales price
銷量即使修訂過后和actual 也是一樣的,還是300,銷售價格根據Note,會下降10%。那么根據誰下降呢?注意,一般revised項都是基于original budget 去調整的(除非像1里面說跟去年比較怎么樣了,否則都默認和original budget比較)
Original Budget 的單價是$50,000/500=$100
因此revised revenue=300*90=$27000
Revised revenue =$27000 所以是F 3 )material cost PM科目中當題目沒有刻意的說銷量和產量之間差異的時候,都默認產量=銷量 Actual material cost=$6500 Revised material cost=revised volume*revised material cost per unit Revised volume=300 revised material cost per unit根據note,下降5%。 Original budget material cost per unit=$10,000/500=$20 revised material cost per unit=$20*(1-5%)=$19 Revised material cost=300*19=$5700 Revised material cost=$5700>actual material cost=$6500 所以是A 小結:做此類題目一定要看清楚題目問的是哪個角度下面的差異,是planning 還是operational;以及牢記planning是拿original
和revised 比較,operational是拿revised和actual 比較。 真題2 答案:D 解析:這道題有兩種方法解答,一種計算法,一種分析法。 方法一 方法二 第一段話:生產19l的X,按標準要8l的A原材料和12l的B原材料,也就是誰20l原材料投入才能生產出來19l的產品,normal
loss=5%。 第二段話:A原材料 $20/l B原材料 $ 25/l 說明B更貴 九月份,生產出來1850個x,一共用了2000l的原材料。按照標準的話,應該是A800l B1200l,但是現在A用900l
B用了1100l,也就是說貴的原材料少用了,因此是F。 投入了2000l的原材料,按標準應該得到2000*(1-5%)=$1900 產出,但是實際得到1850l 所以生產效率比較低,因此是A。 小結:同學么們不僅要非常熟悉公式計算,也要學會從Mix
yield的原理角度出發。像這題的話,只是問A或者F,沒有問具體的數額,用分析法做更節約時間。 如果Mix variance是adverse,則代表:The more expensive material is consumed more
than expected;如果yield variance是adverse,則代表:Less output has been achieved than
expected。 來源:ACCA學習幫
Sept 2016 No.13
答案:A 解析:題目問的是,調整了那些不在管理層控制范圍之內的因素之后,下列哪些方面仍然是業績做的不好的,換句話就是以下哪些variance,在operational 角度是adverse的。Operational variance要用revised 和 actual 比較。
1) Sales volume
2) Sales revenue
Actual: $28,500
Revised revenue=revised sales volume*revised sales price
銷量即使修訂過后和actual 也是一樣的,還是300,銷售價格根據Note,會下降10%。那么根據誰下降呢?注意,一般revised項都是基于original budget 去調整的(除非像1里面說跟去年比較怎么樣了,否則都默認和original budget比較)
Original Budget 的單價是$50,000/500=$100
因此revised revenue=300*90=$27000
Revised revenue =$27000 所以是F 3 )material cost PM科目中當題目沒有刻意的說銷量和產量之間差異的時候,都默認產量=銷量 Actual material cost=$6500 Revised material cost=revised volume*revised material cost per unit Revised volume=300 revised material cost per unit根據note,下降5%。 Original budget material cost per unit=$10,000/500=$20 revised material cost per unit=$20*(1-5%)=$19 Revised material cost=300*19=$5700 Revised material cost=$5700>actual material cost=$6500 所以是A 小結:做此類題目一定要看清楚題目問的是哪個角度下面的差異,是planning 還是operational;以及牢記planning是拿original
和revised 比較,operational是拿revised和actual 比較。 Specimen 2016 No.5 答案:D 解析:這道題有兩種方法解答,一種計算法,一種分析法。 方法一 方法二 第一段話:生產19l的X,按標準要8l的A原材料和12l的B原材料,也就是誰20l原材料投入才能生產出來19l的產品,normal
loss=5%。 第二段話:A原材料 $20/l B原材料 $ 25/l 說明B更貴 九月份,生產出來1850個x,一共用了2000l的原材料。按照標準的話,應該是A800l B1200l,但是現在A用900l
B用了1100l,也就是說貴的原材料少用了,因此是F。 投入了2000l的原材料,按標準應該得到2000*(1-5%)=$1900 產出,但是實際得到1850l 所以生產效率比較低,因此是A。 小結:同學們不僅要非常熟悉公式計算,也要學會從Mix
yield的原理角度出發。像這題的話,只是問A或者F,沒有問具體的數額,用分析法做更節約時間。 如果Mix variance是adverse,則代表:The more expensive material is consumed more
than expected;如果yield variance是adverse,則代表:Less output has been achieved than
expected 來源:ACCA學習幫
答案:A 解析:題目問的是,調整了那些不在管理層控制范圍之內的因素之后,下列哪些方面仍然是業績做的不好的,換句話就是以下哪些variance,在operational 角度是adverse的。Operational variance要用revised 和 actual 比較。
1) Sales volume
2) Sales revenue
Actual: $28,500
Revised revenue=revised sales volume*revised sales price
銷量即使修訂過后和actual 也是一樣的,還是300,銷售價格根據Note,會下降10%。那么根據誰下降呢?注意,一般revised項都是基于original budget 去調整的(除非像1里面說跟去年比較怎么樣了,否則都默認和original budget比較)
Original Budget 的單價是$50,000/500=$100
因此revised revenue=300*90=$27000
Revised revenue =$27000 所以是F 3 )material cost PM科目中當題目沒有刻意的說銷量和產量之間差異的時候,都默認產量=銷量 Actual material cost=$6500 Revised material cost=revised volume*revised material cost per unit Revised volume=300 revised material cost per unit根據note,下降5%。 Original budget material cost per unit=$10,000/500=$20 revised material cost per unit=$20*(1-5%)=$19 Revised material cost=300*19=$5700 Revised material cost=$5700>actual material cost=$6500 所以是A 小結:做此類題目一定要看清楚題目問的是哪個角度下面的差異,是planning 還是operational;以及牢記planning是拿original
和revised 比較,operational是拿revised和actual 比較。 例題二 答案:D 解析:這道題有兩種方法解答,一種計算法,一種分析法。 方法一 方法二 第一段話:生產19l的X,按標準要8l的A原材料和12l的B原材料,也就是誰20l原材料投入才能生產出來19l的產品,normal
loss=5%。 第二段話:A原材料 $20/l B原材料 $ 25/l 說明B更貴 九月份,生產出來1850個x,一共用了2000l的原材料。按照標準的話,應該是A800l B1200l,但是現在A用900l
B用了1100l,也就是說貴的原材料少用了,因此是F。 投入了2000l的原材料,按標準應該得到2000*(1-5%)=$1900 產出,但是實際得到1850l 所以生產效率比較低,因此是A。 小結:考生們不僅要非常熟悉公式計算,也要學會從Mix
yield的原理角度出發。像這題的話,只是問A或者F,沒有問具體的數額,用分析法做更節約時間。 如果Mix variance是adverse,則代表:The more expensive material is consumed more
than expected;如果yield variance是adverse,則代表:Less output has been achieved than
expected 來源:ACCA學習幫
1) 拿到一個近一頁半A4紙的案例分析,同學們可以先花2秒冷靜一下,平復心情。
例如:Jungle Co的題目“Discuss the financial and non-financial performance of Jungle Co for the year ending 31 August 20X6. ” 考察重點在“討論”而非“計算”,所以計算只有7分,文字討論13分。
2) 一定要讀完全部案例,聯系案例中所給的全部信息為自己做一個答題計劃。
I. 找到你想要計算的數據,比如:sales,profit,profit margins等等,用高光筆在題目中標記出來。
II. 找到你要用來做比較的標準,比如:當前的數據是與前一個時期比較?與目標進行比較?與行業平均值進行比較?與競爭對手比較?等等
III. 計算差異或變化,比如:投訴率從6%增加到12%,在陳述發生的變化時不應該說投訴率增加了6%,而是應該說投訴率比上一期增加了100%。要突出的是一個相對的變化,而非絕對數值。同樣地,如果收入從$1million變為$2million,應該陳述的變化是百分比的形式,增長了100%。
IV. 基于計算結果給出自己的意見:為什么會發生這樣的變化?給出可能的原因。這里的“可能的原因”是要聯系案例分析的,如果不能聯系案例信息而憑空捏造是不會得分的。比如,Jungle Co 在household revenue上出現了5.3%的下滑,這有可能是因為從Slabak進口的產品質量不良導致的。這些都是案例分析已經給的現成答案。
V. 文章的最后別忘了寫一個兩句話的總結,總結就是直接回答問題,不需要再計算,直接回答這個公司到底是做好了還是沒做好。
同學們可以先看看Jungle Co這道題的官方答案
要寫成參考答案這樣子,是不可能的,至少對于99.9%的PM中國考生來說,是不可能的,排除極少數考ACCA的雅思9分大神。ACCA官方也沒有期盼大家寫成標準答案的樣子。以下這份Jungle Co的答案是官方technical article中所說的“good answer”. 大家可以先看看:
15% increase in total revenue
This is a good sign. It shows that Jungle Co is selling more units because 'prices are stable', and/or the new cloud service is expanding. But, we need a breakdown of revenue to understand this (see below).
32.7% increase in net margin
This is excellent sign. It’s linked to the lower cost of sales from Slabak imports and the launch of cloud computing, which is probably a higher-margin product (for example, no distribution costs for IT services).
60.5% increase in admin expenses
This is a problem because admin costs are usually fixed. This is linked to the big increase in customer service costs, which, in turn, is probably related to the lower quality of the new supplier which is causing more complaints (see below).
5.3% drop in household goods revenue
This is a worrying sign – it could be linked to the possible drop in quality from the Slabak imports.
28.3% change in electronic goods revenue
This is another positive signal. It shows that Jungle is outperforming the average market growth of 20%, which means they are gaining market share.
225% increase in late deliveries
This is a major problem. It‘s linked to the move to in-house logistics. Clearly Jungle Co can’t match the quality of the external, international suppliers. Jungle Co needs to address this as it threatens future growth of the business.
300% increase in % of customers who complain
This is another major problem. It’s linked to both the outsourcing of production to Slabak, and the move to in-house logistics (mentioned above). Clearly Jungle Co has serious internal process problems that will negatively affect their reputation.
We see mostly good news from the financial indicators: sales, margins, and profits are generally increasing. However, the non-financial information paints a different picture as we see serious problems emerging with Jungle Co’s quality and logistics. Jungle Co needs to address these issues if they want their financial success to continue in the long term.
我們首先來看看關于數據變化的分析是怎么寫的。每一個數據改變都用一個自然段來寫,這樣會很清晰,容易拿分。首先,用你計算出來的改變量作為標題,比如“15% increase in total revenue”。其次,給出你的意見,這個改變是好是壞?,比如“This is a good sign”,這個觀點本身是不得分的,一定要解釋原因,比如“It shows that Jungle Co is selling more units because 'prices are stable', and/or the new cloud service is expanding. But, we need a breakdown of revenue to understand this (see below).” 圖解如下:
1. 看calculation的分值,比如,Jungle Co計算7分,那就挑7個數據,正如”good answer”也只用了7個數據。
2. 7個數據應該來自不同的績效評估領域,比如:財務/非財務,生產成本/管理成本。如果有N種產品的收入成本數據細分,應該每種產品挑一兩個數據。例如,“good answer”中挑選的7個指標都是分布在以上各個領域當中的。因為考試評分是按照各個評估的領域來給分的,比如“一個領域最高4分”,所以,這種方式可以幫助“求過”的同學盡可能多拿分數。對于大神級別的同學,請逐個數據一一作答,畢竟,你背負著老師和同學的希望。
對于文章最后的conclusion,同學們可用兩句話總結之前計算的數據, 如“good answer”中的 “overall,…”。
最后再說一些考試的評分標準,ACCA考試適用“own figure rule”,也就是說,如果你某一步的計算錯誤是由于之前的數據算錯了導致的,這一步不會扣分,只會扣最開始算出錯那一步的分,所以,寶寶們不要浪費時間在檢查數據上,即便你覺得自己算錯了,就用錯的數據進行討論吧,我相信大多數人考試時間是很緊張的。
Trade discount(商業折扣)
A trade discount is a reduction in the list price. It is often given in return for bulk purchase order.
Settlement discount (現金折扣)
A settlement discount (cash discount) is a reduction of in the amount payable. It is often given in return for earlier payment.
02、Accounting for discount
Trade discount 商業折扣
Trade discounts allowed should be deducted from the sales price.:直接在采購或者銷售的時候就減去
Golden purchases goods on credit from Supplier A at a gross cost of $100, and receives a trade discount of 5%.
Dr Purchase 95 (100-100*5%)
Cr Payable 95 (100-100*5%)
Sale 站在銷售方的角度
Golden purchases goods on credit from Customer B at a gross cost of $100, and offer a trade discount of 5%.
Dr Receivables 95 (100-100*5%)
Cr Sales 95 (100-100*5%)
cash discount 現金折扣
現金折扣的處理分為discount received和 discount allowed:
For buyer (discount received):
At transaction date, record full invoiced amount. If subsequently take the discount, then the discount received is recorded as an income.
站在采購方的角度,如果后續使用了現金折扣,那么就記錄一個收入discount received。
For seller (discount allowed):
If a customer is expected to take up a cash/settlement discount, the discount is deducted from sales revenue. If the customer subsequently does not take up the discount, the discount is then recorded as sales revenue.
If the customer is not expected to take up the discount, the full invoiced amount is recognized as revenue when recording the sale.
If the customer subsequently does take up the discount, revenue is then reduced by the discount.
Accounting for customer B:discount received
1. At 1 July 20x6. Initially record the purchase as follows 記錄采購:
Dr Purchases 2000
Cr Payable 2000
2. If subsequently take the discount(paid before 14 July 20x6)如果使用了現金折扣:
Dr Payable 2000
Cr Cash 1920 (2000-2000*4%)
Cr Discount received 80 (income) (2000*4%=80)
3、If subsequently not take (paid after 14 July 20x6)如果后續沒有使用現金折扣:
Dr Payable 2000
Cr Cash 2000
Accounting for supplier A:discount allowed
1. At 1 July 20x6. If A expected the customer B will take the advantage of the early settlement discount銷售的時候預計客戶會使用現金折扣:
Dr Receivable 1920 (2000-2000*4%)
Cr Sales 1920
2. If subsequently take the discount (paid before 14 July 20x6)如果客戶后續確實使用了現金折扣
Dr Cash 1920
Cr Receivable 1920
3. If subsequently not take (paid after 14 July 20x6)如果后續客戶沒有使用現金折扣,這時候要調整我們之前記錄的銷售,之前認為銷售的金額是減去了折扣的,所以現在要調增:
Dr Cash 2000
Cr Receivable 1920
Cr Sales 80
1. At 1 July 20x6. If A expected the customer B will NOT take the advantage of the early settlement discount 銷售的時候預計客戶不會使用折扣:
Dr Receivable 2000
Cr Sales 2000
2. If subsequently take the discount (paid before 14 July 20x6) 如果后續客戶使用了這個折扣,調整之前確認的銷售:
Dr Cash 1920
Dr Sale 80
Cr receivable 2000
3. If subsequently not take (paid after 14 July 20x6) 如果后續客戶沒有使用這個折扣:
Dr Cash 2000
Cr Receivable 2000
Trade discount(商業折扣)
A trade discount is a reduction in the list price. It is often given in return for bulk purchase order.
Settlement discount (現金折扣)
A settlement discount (cash discount) is a reduction of in the amount payable. It is often given in return for earlier payment.
02、Accounting for discount
Trade discount 商業折扣
Trade discounts allowed should be deducted from the sales price.:直接在采購或者銷售的時候就減去
Golden purchases goods on credit from Supplier A at a gross cost of $100, and receives a trade discount of 5%.
Dr Purchase 95 (100-100*5%)
Cr Payable 95 (100-100*5%)
Sale 站在銷售方的角度
Golden purchases goods on credit from Customer B at a gross cost of $100, and offer a trade discount of 5%.
Dr Receivables 95 (100-100*5%)
Cr Sales 95 (100-100*5%)
cash discount 現金折扣
現金折扣的處理分為discount received和 discount allowed:
For buyer (discount received):
At transaction date, record full invoiced amount. If subsequently take the discount, then the discount received is recorded as an income.
站在采購方的角度,如果后續使用了現金折扣,那么就記錄一個收入discount received。
For seller (discount allowed):
If a customer is expected to take up a cash/settlement discount, the discount is deducted from sales revenue. If the customer subsequently does not take up the discount, the discount is then recorded as sales revenue.
If the customer is not expected to take up the discount, the full invoiced amount is recognized as revenue when recording the sale.
If the customer subsequently does take up the discount, revenue is then reduced by the discount.
Accounting for customer B:discount received
1. At 1 July 20x6. Initially record the purchase as follows 記錄采購:
Dr Purchases 2000
Cr Payable 2000
2. If subsequently take the discount(paid before 14 July 20x6)如果使用了現金折扣:
Dr Payable 2000
Cr Cash 1920 (2000-2000*4%)
Cr Discount received 80 (income) (2000*4%=80)
3、If subsequently not take (paid after 14 July 20x6)如果后續沒有使用現金折扣:
Dr Payable 2000
Cr Cash 2000
Accounting for supplier A:discount allowed
1. At 1 July 20x6. If A expected the customer B will take the advantage of the early settlement discount銷售的時候預計客戶會使用現金折扣:
Dr Receivable 1920 (2000-2000*4%)
Cr Sales 1920
2. If subsequently take the discount (paid before 14 July 20x6)如果客戶后續確實使用了現金折扣
Dr Cash 1920
Cr Receivable 1920
3. If subsequently not take (paid after 14 July 20x6)如果后續客戶沒有使用現金折扣,這時候要調整我們之前記錄的銷售,之前認為銷售的金額是減去了折扣的,所以現在要調增:
Dr Cash 2000
Cr Receivable 1920
Cr Sales 80
1. At 1 July 20x6. If A expected the customer B will NOT take the advantage of the early settlement discount 銷售的時候預計客戶不會使用折扣:
Dr Receivable 2000
Cr Sales 2000
2. If subsequently take the discount (paid before 14 July 20x6) 如果后續客戶使用了這個折扣,調整之前確認的銷售:
Dr Cash 1920
Dr Sale 80
Cr receivable 2000
3. If subsequently not take (paid after 14 July 20x6) 如果后續客戶沒有使用這個折扣:
Dr Cash 2000
Cr Receivable 2000
在以往的ACCA考試中,很多考生遇到有關CVP analysis試題都會皺起眉頭,并不知道要如何解答,這類試題失分也比較多。對此,會計網就為大家詳細講解CVP analysis知識點。
大多數情況下我們都是不用掌握推導過程的,但是CVP analysis建議大家一定要掌握推導過程,第一是因為簡單,第二是可以應對一些變化的情況。
盈虧平衡點:profit=0 (①sales revenue=total cost;②Contribution=FC)
Profit=sales revenue-VC-FC=contribution-FC=contribution per unit*units-FC=0
所以units(BEP)=FC/contribution per unit
$(BER)=BEP*sales price=FC/contribution per unit*sales price=FC / C/Sratio
? Single product
Margin of safety = Budgeted -Breakeven(本公式可以是units或者$或者%,如果是%分母是budget)
? Multiple-products
Assume sales mix remains constant,以per mix為一個基本單位
考察最多的是Profit volume chart,尤其注意固定成本是不變的,是直線的起點,目標點的縱坐標和起點的差異就是contribution。
? Single product
? Multiple-products
主要優點:margin of safety包含了對風險的管理
接下來我們來看一個CVP analysis相關的主觀題的解答方法:
A)Economic factors(Encourage and discourage certain types of activity:用來鼓勵或者抑制某些特定類型的活動,比如為了國民健康的角度考慮,煙酒的稅率相對較高,一定程度上增大了消費成本)
B)Social factors(Redistribute income and wealth:對收入或者財富的再分配,納稅的金額是根據收入的高低呈階梯狀分布的,可以簡單理解為收入越高或財富累計值越多的人,需要繳納的稅賦也越多。通過這種累進稅progressive tax的方式,可以一定程度上調節社會的貧富差距。)
C)Environmental factors(To deal with environmental concerns like global warming:可以通過稅收的調節提高國民環保的意識,比如高排車征稅多,而環境友好型或者電動車會更多地被鼓勵使用。)
02、稅賦的類型different types of taxes
A) Direct taxes直接稅
是由承擔納稅義務的人直接向稅務局納稅,而不是繳納給商家/賣家。常見的稅賦類型包括了Income tax,Corporation tax,National insurance contribution,Capital gains tax,Inheritance tax幾種。
B) Indirect taxes間接稅
不是直接將稅交給稅務局,而是交給商家/賣家,由其代交給稅務局。所以向稅務局納稅的人,并不是直接承擔納稅義務方。Value added tax增值稅是一個典型的例子。
C) Revenue taxes收入稅
這個指的是根據納稅人的收入水平征收的稅,一般來說收入越高,納稅越多。常見的稅賦類型包括了Income tax,Corporation tax(on income profits的部分),National insurance contribution幾種。
D) Capital taxes資本稅
這個是由于資產自身的增值等帶來了資本利得或者財富,進而征收的稅款。一般來說增值越多,價值越高,納稅越多。常見的稅賦類型包括了Capital gains tax,Corporation tax(on capital gains的部分),Inheritance tax幾種。
03、英國稅收系統UK tax system
根據英國的稅收系統基本框架結構及其部門設置,可將主線分為兩條。一邊是負責做事情的財政部Her Majesty’s Treasury,另一邊是負責監管的皇家檢察署Crown Prosecution Service(CPS)。
A) 財政部Her Majesty’s Treasury
財政部下設稅務及海關總署Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs(HMRC),其中又細分為Officers of Revenue and Customs對稅款進行核對,以及Receivable Management Officers對具體款項進行征收。
B) 皇家檢察署Crown Prosecution Service(CPS)
皇家檢察署下設稅務法庭Tax Tribunal稅務法庭,主要分成一級法院First tier tribunal(針對金額小的,案件簡單,即Basic cases; standard cases; Paper cases)和二級法院Upper tribunal(針對金額大的,案件復雜,即Complex case)。
當一級法院First Tier Tribunal無法做決定時,可以進一步匯報給二級法院Upper Tribunal,或者再由二級法院Upper Tribunal再進一步匯報到法庭Court of Appeal.
04、具有法律效力的幾大法案來源Different sources of revenue law
A) Acts of Parliament議會成文法案
B) Statutory Instruments法定文書
C) Case law判例法
D) 除此之外稅務局還會出具一些公開的信息,統稱為 HMRC publication, 起輔助稅務管理的作用,但是不具法律效力:
(a) Statements of practice, setting out how they intend to apply the law
(b) Extra-statutory concessions, setting out circumstances in which they will not apply the strict letter of the law where it would be unfair
(c) A wide range of explanatory leaflets
(d) Revenue and Customs Brief. This is gives HMRC's view on specific points
(e) The Internal Guidance, a series of manuals used by HMRC staff
05、節稅與逃稅Tax avoidance and tax evasion
A)Tax avoidance節稅
指的是合理避稅,也就是說通過稅務籌劃tax planning的方式,在不違法法律條款的前提下,來達到減免稅賦reduce tax burden的目的。
B)Tax evasion逃稅
指的是逃稅漏稅,也就是說通過誤導稅務局Misleading HMRC的方式,暗中篡改數據或事實,故意隱瞞某些特定信息suppressing information或者故意提供虛假信息deliberately providing false information,以此來達到少交稅的目的。
06、道德相關問題Ethical and professional issues
A)The accountant has a responsibility to advise the client of the error, omission or failure and recommend that disclosure be made to HMRC.
B)If the client does not correct the error, omission or failure , the accountant should cease to act for the client and inform the client in writing.
A)The accountant should also notify HMRC that the accountant no longer acts for the client but should not provide details of the reason for ceasing to act.
B)Report the client's refusal and the facts surrounding it to the Money Laundering Reporting Officer.
C)The accountant must not disclose to the client that such a report has been made because it would be likely to prejudice investigation and this might constitute the criminal offence of 'tipping-off'.
盈虧平衡點,又稱零利潤點、保本點、盈虧臨界點、損益分歧點、收益轉折點。通常是指全部銷售收入 等于全部成本時(銷售收入線與總成本線的交點)的產量。以盈虧平衡點的界限,當銷售收入高于盈虧平衡點時企業盈利,反之,企業就虧損。盈虧平衡點可以用銷售量來表示,即盈虧平衡點的銷售量;也可以用銷售額來表示,即盈虧平衡點的銷售額。