在ACCA考試中,F5階段“Relevant cost 相關成本”是一個每年都會出現在考卷上的高頻考點,同時該考點也比較容易混淆,接下來會計網今天就跟大家進行解析。
1. Definition
Relevant costs arefuture incremental cash flows. 注意,這邊一定要同時滿足這三點:未來發生、增量的、現金流。只要有一個不滿足,都不能算是相關成本。
(i) Sunk cost—過去發生的
(ii) Depreciation—不是現金流
(iii) General fixed overheads—不是增量的
A relevant cost is a future cash flow arising as a direct consequence of a decision.同時相關成本還要求,一定是和決策相關的,由于一個決定,導致未來會發生增量的現金流。比如說Committed costs是過去決定,未來發生的成本。那么和現在的決定是沒有關系的。
3. 具體運用
A special cutting machine will have to be hired for three months. Hire charges for this machine are $75 per month, with a minimum hire charge of $300.相關成本是300,因為最小要付出的現金流是300。
4. 難點(1)--Material
如果答:NO,那么相關成本就是從現在市場購買的價值 ----end
追問: Regularly used?
答:NO,RC=Higher of 1.Value in other use 2. Scrap value
5. 難點(2)--Labour
問:Spare Capacity?
如果答:Yes,相關成本是0 --end
追問:Additional labour hour can be obtained ?
答:Yes,相關成本= Extra labour cost
答:No,相關成本= Total Labour cost + lost contribution
在ACCA考試中,“Borrowing cost”每年都會出現在試卷題目里,同時也是ACCA考試一個重難點之一。接下來會計網就跟大家講解Borrowing cost借款利息的確認和計算,希望有所幫助。
01、Qualifying asset
DR finance cost
CR loan/interest payable/cash
但是如果是為了建造qualifying asset 而發生的借款利息支出可以直接計入資產成本,即分錄為
DR asset
CR loan/interest payable/cash
那什么是qualifying asset 呢?
Qualifying asset 是企業需要花很長時間才可以使用或者銷售的資產,也就是要花費很長時間才可以建造完成的資產。
1) 開始建造
2) 開始借款
3) 獲得許可證
比如,企業在X1.1.1向銀行借了一筆300K 8%的款項,在X1.3.1開始建造資產,那么資本化的開始時間就是X1.3.1;
因此在我們這個例子中,本期資本化的借款利率金額=300K*8%*(3/12+5/12), 即只有8個月的利息支出可以資本化。
因此如果從這個資產池子拿錢投入Qualifying asset的建造,那么我們用10%的利率是不合適的,用8.5%的利率也是不合適的。
所以我們要計算出他們的加權平均利息,即10%*120/(120+80) + 8.5%*80/(120+80)=9.4%
Golden Co had borrowed $4.8 million to finance the building of a building. Construction is expected to take three years. The loan was drawn down and incurred on 1 January 20X5 and work began on 1 April 20X5. $2 million of the loan was not utilized until 1 June 20X9 so Golden was able to invest it until needed.
Golden Co is paying 6% on the loan the can invest surplus funds at 4%.
Calculate the borrowing costs to be capitalised for the year ended 31 December 20X5 in respect of this project.
在ACCA考試中,有一個常考點是值得考生們去關注的,它就是Equivalent Annual Cost method(資產重置決策),這個知識不僅可能會考到客觀題,也會有可能考到大題。下面我們來看看吧。
這兩種情況本質其實都是由于年限不同,無法直接按成本進行對比。所以就會采用接下來我們要說的等額年金法EAC ( Equivalent Annual Cost method ) 來計算對比。這種方法不僅解決了年限不同的限制,即將其均攤切換到每一年的成本現值,這樣就能在相同周期內(一年為基準)按照誰小選誰的原則。同時也考慮了貨幣的時間價值。所以結果會更加客觀準確。
公式:EAC=PV of Cost / Annuity Factor
此時公式:Equivalent Annual Benefit (EAB)=NPV of Project/Annuity Factor)
真題2018 S/D Q31:
Melanie Co is considering the acquisition of a new machine with an operating life of three years. The new machine could be leased for three payments of $55,000, payable annually in advance.
Alternatively, the machine could be purchased for $160,000 using a bank loan at a cost of 8% per year. If the machine is purchased Melanie Co will incur maintenance costs of $8,000 per year, payable at the end of each year of operation. The machine would have a residual value of $40,000 at the end of its three-year life
Melanie Co’s production manager estimates that if maintenance routines were upgraded the new machine could be operated for a period of four years with maintenance costs increasing to $12,000 per year, payable at the end of each year of operation. If operated for four years the machine’s residual value would fall to $11,000. Taxation should be ignored.
Using a discount rate of 10%, calculate the equivalent annual cost of purchasing and operating the machine for both three years and four years, and recommend which replacement interval should be adopted.
Recommendation The machine should be replaced every four years as the equivalent annual cost is lower.
在往年的ACCA考試里,同樣有一個常考點經常會在試卷題目中出現,這考點就是“Borrowing cost”(借款利息),今天會計網就跟大家講解借款利息的確認和計算,希望有所幫助。
01、Qualifying asset
首先正常借款利息的確認分錄為:DR finance cost CR loan/interest payable/cash
但是如果是為了建造qualifying asset 而發生的借款利息支出可以直接計入資產成本,即分錄為DR asset CR loan/interest payable/cash
那什么是qualifying asset 呢?
Qualifying asset 是企業需要花很長時間才可以使用或者銷售的資產,也就是要花費很長時間才可以建造完成的資產。
1) 開始建造
2) 開始借款
3) 獲得許可證
比如,企業在X1.1.1向銀行借了一筆300K 8%的款項,在X1.3.1開始建造資產,那么資本化的開始時間就是X1.3.1;
因此在我們這個例子中,本期資本化的借款利率金額=300K*8%*(3/12+5/12), 即只有8個月的利息支出可以資本化。
因此如果從這個資產池子拿錢投入Qualifying asset的建造,那么我們用10%的利率是不合適的,用8.5%的利率也是不合適的。
所以我們要計算出他們的加權平均利息,即10%*120/(120+80) + 8.5%*80/(120+80)=9.4%
Golden Co had borrowed $4.8 million to finance the building of a building. Construction is expected to take three years. The loan was drawn down and incurred on 1 January 20X5 and work began on 1 April 20X5. $2 million of the loan was not utilized until 1 June 20X9 so Golden was able to invest it until needed.
Golden Co is paying 6% on the loan the can invest surplus funds at 4%.
Calculate the borrowing costs to be capitalised for the year ended 31 December 20X5 in respect of this project.
一、稅率“簡并”進行時,增值稅全面落地 | 二、采購鏈增值稅、發票、合同重點事項 |
●增值稅“減并”稅率新政 ●國稅總局〔2018〕28號:《企業所得稅稅前扣除憑證管理辦法》 ●財稅〔2018〕32號:《財政部稅務總局關于調整增值稅稅率的通知》 ●財稅〔2018〕33號:關于統一增值稅小規模納稅人標準的通知 ●國稅總局〔2018〕6號公告:關于增值稅一般納稅人登記管理若干事項的公告
| ●企業采購環節中的供應商應如何選擇 ●為了降低稅率從供應商(或服務提供方)取得發票稅率越高越好嗎? |
三、技術鏈增值稅、發票、合同重點事項 | 四、資產鏈增值稅、發票、合同重點事項 |
●研發費用、技術轉讓增值稅、合同涉稅問題 ●官宣的“技術流”大起底
| ●跨期購買辦公樓并獲得增值稅專用發票,能抵扣嗎? ●分支機構抬頭的增值稅進項發票可以在總機構抵扣進項稅額嗎? ●不動產租賃與服務提供的選擇與運用 ●借款采購設備涉稅風險的合同該如何設置? ●房屋租賃中設備與土地的分割與選擇 |
五、融資鏈增值稅、發票、合同重點事項 | 六、人資鏈增值稅,發票,合同重點事項 |
●金融企業借款稅務處理 ●民間借貸的稅務處理 ●關聯方無息借貸合同的稅收風險防范 ●混合性投資 ●統借統還免增值稅 ●同期利率的掌握 ●融資售后回租費用是利息費用還是租賃費用?取得何種發票? ●房地產存在“無票”抵扣+扣除,怎么處理才合規? ●企業不可抵扣的項目應取得何種發票 | ●企業職工薪酬與福利支出的涉稅問題與票據管理 ●境外支付合同關于扣繳稅款的約定 ●房屋租賃涉稅與合同的免租期的處理 |
七、營銷鏈增值稅,發票,合同重點事項 | 八、費用鏈增值稅,發票,合同重點事項 |
●預付卡業務的涉稅風險 銷售預付卡開具不征稅發票嗎?持卡人實際消費可以取得發票嗎?預付卡可以取得專票嗎 ●增值稅視同銷售、“買贈”問題終極解決 ●折扣開票有何風險?銷售折扣如何處理?清單折扣如何處理? ●紅字發票、作廢發票、丟失發票該如何處理? ●商品購銷合同中增值稅涉稅風險的防控與處置
| ●銀行利息費用手續費等,企業是否必須取得發票才能稅前扣除? ●簡并稅率政策后開具新稅率發票、以原稅率進項票:是否可以抵扣? ●簡易征稅項目企業發生水電費轉售業務如何計稅? ●過路過橋費進項稅額的抵扣 ●發出商品或已提供服務,由于未收款、未開票、未申報收入,應如何定性處理? ●由購買方承擔的貼現費用如何發票稅務處理 ●企業遇到不征稅增值稅的業務可以開具發票嗎 |
九、費用鏈增值稅,發票,合同重點事項 | |
●差額征稅業務如何開具增值稅專用發票?(含房地產企業、總分包業務、勞務派遣業務等) ●物業公司代收水電費涉稅問題如何處理? ●會議費,能和餐費合二為一嗎? ●納稅人支付境外費用,如何計算扣繳增值稅? ●超經營范圍業務如何開具發票? ●企業購銷售違約金票據管理的選擇——并不是所有款項都要開具發票 ●項目掛靠模式的選擇——項目掛靠的票據及稅收風險界定 ●資金池業務收取的利息收入也要開具發票嗎?集團內收取利息如何操作才能免增值稅? ●房地產存在“無票”抵扣+扣除,怎么處理才合規? ●企業不可抵扣的項目應取得何種發票 ●企業取得不可抵扣項目的發票一定要普票嗎? ●什么情況下不可低扣項目也一定要取得專票? ●費用類在合同條款規劃時有何注意事項? |
在ACCA考試中,Throughput Accounting一直都是PM科目中比較難理解的考點,對此,會計網今天就跟大家詳解這個重難點內容,我們來看看吧。
Just in time(JIT):JIT是一種管理理念。在JIT下,企業注重運營效率,目標是生產所需要的產品,而不是庫存。在JIT管理理念下,一般使用Throughput accounting進行成本核算。
Key points:JIT的特征是不喜歡存貨,按照訂單生產和采購。
Theory of constraints(TOC):Bottleneck determines the whole production capacity of the organisation.
Key points:
a. External & Internal:瓶頸可以是內部的也可以是外部的,但是外部的難以管理。
b. There is one and only one bottleneck:有且僅有一個瓶頸。
c. Five steps for dealing with a bottleneck activity(identify-exploit-subordinate-elevate-return)找到瓶頸-充分利用-其他流程協作-提升瓶頸-重新定義新的瓶頸。
Calculation of profit
Key points:
a. Value of inventory=Material cost
b. Throughput=Sales revenue of sales volume- Direct material purchase costs,所以要想throughput最大化必須要讓采購進來的存貨盡快銷售出去產生銷售收入。
c. 在TA中,只有material cost是變動成本,其余的包括labour cost都是固定成本,寫法有:Operational expenses/Total Factory costs/Conversion cost/Fixed cost,但是需要注意Factory costs≠Factory overhead,Factory overhead只是間接的固定成本,還需要在TA中特殊存在的直接的固定成本,通常就是labour cost (factory overhead+labour cost=factory costs)。
03、Throughput accounting ratio(TPAR)
Key points:
1. 計算TPAR
Return per factory hour需要注意分子和分母的單位都是per unit(單位金額、單位數量)
Cost per factory hour需要注意分子分母都是total(總金額、總數量),如果是同一個工廠里面生產的產品,Cost per factory hour是相等的。
2. 提升TPAR
提升TPAR的分子Return per factory hour:
分子:(Sales revenue per unit-material cost per unit)
分母:Bottleneck resources per unit ↓,每一單位使用的瓶頸資源減少,即瓶頸資源使用效率提升。
減少TPAR的分母Cost per factory hour:
分子:Total factory cost ↓,也就是總的固定成本減少。
分母:Total bottleneck resources ↑,總的可使用瓶頸資源增加,也就是產能增加。
3. 最優生產計劃:TPAR越大越好。
Step 1:找到瓶頸資源;
Step 2:計算TPAR(如果是同一個工廠內生產的產品可以直接通過return per factory hour進行比較)
Step 3:按照計算出來的TPAR或者return per factory hour進行排序,越大的越先生產。(如果有已經簽了合同的產品,優先滿足合同,再考慮TPAR的生產計劃)
04、Advantages & Disadvantages
1)reduce inventory holding cost減少存貨持有量
2)value for money allocation of scarece resource對稀缺資源的價值分配
3)encourage short-term maximization鼓勵關注短期最大化
4)cost benefit analysis成本效益分析
2)risk of stock out缺貨風險
2020年ACCA12月考季臨近,根據考生所反饋,大家在備考過程中碰到問題最多的就是成本技術-Throughput Accounting這個考點內容,對此,會計網今天就為大家詳解下這部分內容。
同學們需要從四個方面考慮,Background、Throughput、TPAR、Advantages & Disadvantages
? Just in time(JIT):JIT是一種管理理念。在JIT下,企業注重運營效率,目標是生產所需要的產品,而不是庫存。在JIT管理理念下,一般使用Throughput accounting進行成本核算。
Key points:JIT的特征是不喜歡存貨,按照訂單生產和采購。
? Theory of constraints(TOC):Bottleneck determines the whole production capacity of the organisation.
Key points:
a. External & Internal:瓶頸可以是內部的也可以是外部的,但是外部的難以管理。
b. There is one and only one bottleneck:有且僅有一個瓶頸。
c. Five steps for dealing with a bottleneck activity(identify-exploit-subordinate-elevate-return)找到瓶頸-充分利用-其他流程協作-提升瓶頸-重新定義新的瓶頸。
Calculation of profit
Key points:
a. Value of inventory=Material cost
b. Throughput=Sales revenue of sales volume- Direct material purchase costs,所以要想throughput最大化必須要讓采購進來的存貨盡快銷售出去產生銷售收入。
c. 在TA中,只有material cost是變動成本,其余的包括labour cost都是固定成本,寫法有:Operational expenses/Total Factory costs/Conversion cost/Fixed cost,但是需要注意Factory costs≠Factory overhead,Factory overhead只是間接的固定成本,還需要在TA中特殊存在的直接的固定成本,通常就是labour cost (factory overhead+labour cost=factory costs)。
03、Throughput accounting ratio(TPAR)
? 首先當然是讓大家瑟瑟發抖的公式要會背:
Key points:
1. 計算TPAR
Return per factory hour需要注意分子和分母的單位都是per unit(單位金額、單位數量)
Cost per factory hour需要注意分子分母都是total(總金額、總數量),如果是同一個工廠里面生產的產品,Cost per factory hour是相等的。
2. 提升TPAR
提升TPAR的分子Return per factory hour:
分子:(Sales revenue per unit-material cost per unit)↑
分母:Bottleneck resources per unit ↓,每一單位使用的瓶頸資源減少,即瓶頸資源使用效率提升。
減少TPAR的分母Cost per factory hour:
分子:Total factory cost ↓,也就是總的固定成本減少。
分母:Total bottleneck resources ↑,總的可使用瓶頸資源增加,也就是產能增加。
3. 最優生產計劃:TPAR越大越好。
Step 1:找到瓶頸資源;
Step 2:計算TPAR(如果是同一個工廠內生產的產品可以直接通過return per factory hour進行比較)
Step 3:按照計算出來的TPAR或者return per factory hour進行排序,越大的越先生產。(如果有已經簽了合同的產品,優先滿足合同,再考慮TPAR的生產計劃)
04、Advantages & Disadvantages
1)reduce inventory holding cost減少存貨持有量
2)value for money allocation of scarece resource對稀缺資源的價值分配
3)encourage short-term maximization鼓勵關注短期最大化
4)cost benefit analysis成本效益分析
2)risk of stock out缺貨風險
以上就是我們Throughput Accounting的常考知識點,建議大家計算部分該背的背一背,文字部分主要靠理解,記住關鍵詞。但是光靠看肯定是不行的,還需要大家動動手做做題,反復鞏固才可以順利通過考試哦~
AC 實際成本 actual cost
ACWP 已完工作實際成本 Actual Cost for Work Performed
BAC 完工預算 budget at completion
CCB 變更控制委員會 change control board
COQ 質量成本 cost of quality
CPAF 成本加獎勵費用合同 cost plus award fee contracts
CPFF 成本加固定費用合同 cost plus fixed fee contract
CPI 成本績效指數 cost performance index
CPIF 成本加激勵費用合同 cost plus incentive fee contract
CPM 關鍵路徑法 critical path activity
CV 成本偏差 cost variance
EAC 完工估算 estimate at completion
EF 最早完成日期 early finish date
EMV 預期貨幣價值 expected monetary value
ES 最早開始日期 early start date
ETC 完工尚需估算 estimate to complete
EV 掙值 earned value
EVM 掙值管理 earned value management
FF 完成到完成 Finish-to-Finish
FFP 固定總價合同 Firm-Fixed-Price Contract
FMEA 失效模式與影響分析 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
FP-EPA 總價加經濟價格調整合同 Fixed Price with Economic Price Adjustment Contracts
FPIF 總價加激勵費用合同 Fixed Price Incentive Fee Contract
FS 完成到開始 Finish-to-Start
IFB 投標邀請書 Invitation for Bid
LF 最晚完成日期 Late Finish Date
LOE 支持型活動 Level of Effort
LS 最晚開始日期 Late Start Date
OBS 組織分解結構 Organizational Breakdown Structure
PDM 緊前關系繪圖法 Precedence Diagramming Method
PMBOK 項目管理知識體系 Project Management Body of Knowledge
PV 計劃價值 Planned Value
QFD 質量功能展開 Quality Function Deployment
RACI 執行、負責、咨詢和知情矩陣 Responsible、Accountable、Consult、Inform Matirx
RAM 責任分配矩陣 Responsibility Assignment Matrix
RBS 風險分解結構 Risk Breakdown Structure
RFI 信息邀請書 Request for Information
RFP 建議邀請書 Request for Proposal
RFQ 報價邀請書 Request for Quotation
SF 開始到完成 Start-to-Finish
SOW 工作說明書 Statement of Work
SPI 進度績效指數 Schedule Performance Index
SS 開始到開始 Start-to-Start
SV 進度偏差 Schedule Variance
SWOT 優勢、劣勢、機會與威脅 Strengths,Weaknesses,Opportunities,Threats
T&M 工料 Time and Material
WBS 工作分解結構 Work Breakdown Structure
China’s rise as the most important global M&A market and the almost dramatic increase of Chinese outbound M&A activities signals a sea change of opportunities and pitfalls.As witnessed by the landmark deal between Lenovo and computer giant IBM in 2005,M&A transactions are expected to gather pace as China prepares itself to become an economic superpower.While the central government has somewhat revamped opaque regulations,Mergers&Acquisitions in China:Law and Practice lends much needed clarity by providing a structured introduction to the legal aspects of China’s M&A regime.
The downturn may present many acquisition opportunities,but which fit best with your long-term business strategy?Leading strategic planners will describe how to develop an effective investment strategy,identify potential targets,and efficiently evaluate opportunities.Through this training you will explore how to identify and assess strategic targets,evaluate investment opportunities,navigate today’s deal hurdles,and successfully integrate an acquired business to deliver real results and real value.
Ensuring the realization of the M&A purpose
Deeply analysis on the hottest topics of M&A
Understanding the obstacles of Chinese corporations to do the strategic merge&acquisition
Learning the laws and regulations involving in the merge&acquisition activities
Controlling the risks when formulating a merge&acquisition strategy
Developing M&A deal negotiation skills
Gaining knowledge of target sourcing and driving success in the down market
Advancing in evaluation models and methods
Improving assessment of risk
Obtaining strategies of finance in M&A
CEO,VP,Director,GM,Head and Manager of
Strategic Planning、Finance
Corporate/Business Development
Corporate development strategy vs.M&A strategy
Stable development strategy
Defense strategy
M&A categories
Transaction valuation
M&A Financing methods
Case studies
Ensuring the new business conforms to company's objectives
Differentiating Transaction Success&Deal Success
Understanding the main factors for value creation
Reorganizing,reconstructing and adjusting the business system
Recommendation for PMI(Post Merger Integration)strategy
Strategic M&A and corporate core competitiveness
What is the corporate core competitiveness
Foster and enhance the core competitiveness of the strategic thinking
Why should we enhance the core competitiveness
Lacking of the core competitiveness
Cultivating the core competitiveness through corporate M&A
Two methods of obtaining the core competitiveness
Core competitiveness has been the sourcing power of merge activities
Analyzing the key considerations before entering into cross border M&A
Defining key factors that play a significant role in M&A flows
Managing multi-jurisdiction due diligence
Knowledge of geographic and industrial sectors have proven most attractive and the places future opportunities lie
Understanding cultural considerations in cross border deals
Decision making process of strategic M&A
Characteristics of strategic M&A
M&A decision making process
Opportunity analysis stage
Preliminary analysis stage
Detailed analysis stage
Evaluation and decision making stage
Target selecting
Understanding the differences between business valuation on local and international M&A transactions and negotiating the best deal
What are the differences of business valuation when merging or acquiring local companies and international companies?
Similar area,finance,legal,IP,HR,etc,but with different areas of concerns
Difference in accounting,legal/IP,labor issues
Key considerations in evaluating a target company
Acquirer's business strategy vs.target business
Identify synergy&improvement
Management team
Middle management
Corporate Culture
Optimizing a valuation----How to reach common understanding of the business valuation and transaction price on both sides of the fence?
Cultural factors
Control misunderstanding and misleading information
Case studies-Lessons learned
Examining the synergies after strategic M&A-Case study from listed companies
Management synergy
Operating synergy
Diversification synergy
Financial and tax synergy
Intangible assets synergy
Case Study-Advancing the negotiation and closing the deal
Negotiating tactics:How to position your company from the opening offer to final agreement
Using due diligence to enhance your advantages
Understanding the strengths and the weaknesses in the other side's position
Identifying the key value drivers
Management Buyout
The development of MBO
The purpose of MBO
The financing method of MBO
The pricing strategy of MBO
Case study
What do you want to achieve or avoid?The answers to this question are objectives.How will you go about achieving your desire results?The answer to this you can call strategy.
Managing changing market conditions is never easy,but turmoil also presents unique opportunities to acquire previously unobtainable targets.However,acquirers must understand today’s credit limitations,new competition and investment legislation,increasing shareholder activism,and merger and acquisition(M&A)litigation issues.
The downturn may present many acquisition opportunities,but which fit best with your long-term business strategy?Leading strategic planners will describe how to develop an effective investment strategy,identify potential targets,and efficiently evaluate opportunities.Through this training you will explore how to identify and assess strategic targets,evaluate investment opportunities,navigate today’s deal hurdles,and successfully integrate an acquired business to deliver real results and real value.
Ensuring the realization of the M&A purpose
Deeply analysis on the hottest topics of M&A
Understanding the obstacles of Chinese corporations to do the strategic merge&acquisition
Learning the laws and regulations involving in the merge&acquisition activities
Controlling the risks when formulating a merge&acquisition strategy
Developing M&A deal negotiation skills
Gaining knowledge of target sourcing and driving success in the down market
Advancing in evaluation models and methods
Improving assessment of risk
Obtaining strategies of finance in M&A
CEO,VP,Director,GM,Head and Manager of
Strategic Planning、Finance
Corporate/Business Development
Corporate development strategy vs. M&A strategy
- Stable development strategy
- Defense strategy
- M&A categories
- Transaction valuation
- M&A Financing methods
- Case studies
Ensuring the new business conforms to company's objectives
- Differentiating Transaction Success & Deal Success
- Understanding the main factors for value creation
- Reorganizing, reconstructing and adjusting the business system
- Recommendation for PMI (Post Merger Integration) strategy
Strategic M&A and corporate core competitiveness
- What is the corporate core competitiveness
- Foster and enhance the core competitiveness of the strategic thinking
- Why should we enhance the core competitiveness
- Lacking of the core competitiveness
- Cultivating the core competitiveness through corporate M&A
- Two methods of obtaining the core competitiveness
- Core competitiveness has been the sourcing power of merge activities
Analyzing the key considerations before entering into cross border M&A
- Defining key factors that play a significant role in M&A flows
- Managing multi- jurisdiction due diligence
- Knowledge of geographic and industrial sectors have proven most attractive and the places future opportunities lie
- Understanding cultural considerations in cross border deals
Decision making process of strategic M&A
- Characteristics of strategic M&A
- M&A decision making process
- Opportunity analysis stage
- Preliminary analysis stage
- Detailed analysis stage
- Evaluation and decision making stage
- Target selecting
Understanding the differences between business valuation on local and international M&A transactions and negotiating the best deal
- What are the differences of business valuation when merging or acquiring local companies and international companies?
- Similar area, finance, legal, IP, HR, etc, but with different areas of concerns
- Difference in accounting, legal/IP, labor issues
- Key considerations in evaluating a target company
- Acquirer's business strategy vs. target business
- Products & marketing
- Identify synergy & improvement
- Management team
- Middle management
- Corporate Culture
- Optimizing a valuation----How to reach common understanding of the business valuation and transaction price on both sides of the fence?
- Communication
- Cultural factors
- Trust
- Control misunderstanding and misleading information
- Case studies-Lessons learned
Examining the synergies after strategic M&A-Case study from listed companies
- Management synergy
- Operating synergy
- Diversification synergy
- Financial and tax synergy
- Intangible assets synergy
Case Study-Advancing the negotiation and closing the deal
- Negotiating tactics: How to position your company from the opening offer to final agreement
- Using due diligence to enhance your advantages
- Understanding the strengths and the weaknesses in the other side's position
- Identifying the key value drivers
Management Buyout
- The development of MBO
- The purpose of MBO
- The financing method of MBO
- The pricing strategy of MBO
- Case study