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Taxation in china

2023-08-18 14:19  責編:藍圖  瀏覽:157
來源 會計網


  In the world only has two facts inevitably,one is the death,two is the tax revenue.

  China is one of the biggest markets in the world and is attracting more and more global investors to move into the China market.In order to run the business in a most cost efficient way,it is necessary for the foreign investors to understand all the potential relevant tax costs that would be incurred in China before making an investment decision.In addition,different type of investment activities will trigger different types of taxes.

Taxation in china


  You can learn about China's tax policies and regulations.

  You can understand the impact of tax laws on foreign investment in China

  You can master the enterprise in the VAT reform in expanding around the pilot to adjust in accounting

  You can grasp the meaning and usage of key taxes,such as Corporate income tax.

  You can familiar with trial reform of the tax planning under the new basic concepts and skills.

  You can understand the pilot reform possible strategy for enterprise influence.



  Foreign Investment Enterprises("FIEs")

  Foreign Enterprises("FEs")doing business in China


  Module 1 China's Taxation System

  Framework of tax system in China

  Classification of taxes and Type of Tax

  Module 2 Analysis of Specific Taxes

  Tax on income

  ?Corporate income tax("CIT")

  -standard tax rate is 25%

  -the tax rate could be reduced to 15%for qualified enterprises which are engaged in industries encouraged by the China government.

  ?Individual income tax("IIT")

  -progressive rates range from 5%to 45%.

  Tax on transactions

  ?Value-added tax

  -The meaning and the scope

  -The standard tax rate is 17%with certain necessities taxed at 13%.

  ?Consumption tax

  -The meaning and the scope

  -Tax rate

  ?Business tax

  -The meaning and the scope

  -Tax rate

  Tax on specific objective

  ?Land appreciation tax

  -The meaning and the scope

  -Calculation of added value

  Tax on resource

  ?Resources tax

  -The meaning and the scope

  -Tax rate

  Tax on property

  ?Real estate tax

  -The meaning and the scope

  -Tax rate

  Tax on behavior

  ?Vehicle and vessel tax

  -The meaning and the scope

  -Tax rate

  ?Motor vehicle acquisition tax

  -The meaning and the scope

  -Tax rate

  ?Stamp tax

  -The meaning and the scope

  -Tax rate

  Tax levied by the Customs

  ?Customs duties

  -The meaning and the scope

  -Tax rate

  Tax levied by finance department

  ?Deed tax

  -The meaning and the scope

  -Tax rate


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