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Application of New & Revised IFRSs

2023-08-17 14:03  責編:藍圖  瀏覽:430
來源 會計網


  IFRS Update Course

  ?Are you prepared for the changes in International Financial Standards(IFRS)from 1 January 2013?

  ?Is your company a leasing company or do you lease many assets from premises to fleet of cars?Do you know what the expected changes in accounting for leasing are?

  ?Do you prepare consolidated financial statements?Have you heard of IFRS 10?

  ?Do you know that there is a new standard which deals with fair value?

  ?Are you a small or medium sized business?Do you know that you can use simplified version of IFRS for SMEs?

Application of New\n & Revised IFRSs

  ?This 2-day course is appropriate for everyone who works with IFRS and needs to be up to date about changes to be implemented in the future.The course can be attended by people from various background and level of experience.

  ?Where appropriate we will discuss the current treatment and new application.

  ?We will discuss practical application and solve questions and case studies.

  ?All participants will receive printed material to save you time writing long notes and concentrate on understanding of

  the topics discussed.


  The course will include a presentation on the latest developments in IFRS,illustrated by examples and all thoroughly explained.To make it more lively,participants will work through a case study illustrating the use of existing and new IFRSs.We will specifically focus on the difficulties the transition from previous reporting to IFRS,with practical suggestions.



  Finance Director/Manager/Controller

  Auditing Manager

  Accounting Manager

  Accounting Supervisor

  Investment/Financial/Equity Analysts


  Convergence with US GAAP–Memorandum of Understanding

  ?Exposure draft-Leases with recent changes discussed by IASB

  ?Exposure draft–Revenue from Contracts with Customers

  ?IFRS 10:Consolidated financial statements

  ?IFRS 11:Joint arrangements

  ?IFRS 12:Disclosure of involvement with other entities

  ?IFRS 13:Fair value measurement

  ?Amendment to IAS 19:Employee Benefits

  ?Amendment to IAS 1:Presentation of items in other comprehensive income

  ?Amendment to IAS 12:Income Taxes

  ?IFRS 7:Transfer of financial assets

  ?Annual Improvements 2007–2009–summary of changes to IFRS 2,IFRS 5,IFRS 8,IAS 1,IAS 7,IAS 17,IAS 18,IAS 36,IAS 38 and IAS 39

  ?Annual Improvements 2008–2010–summary of changes to IFRS 1,IFRS 3,IFRS 7,IAS 1,IAS 27 and IAS 34

  ?Exposure draft:Annual Improvements 2009-2011

  ?IFRS 9:Financial instruments:the replacement of IAS 39

  ?IFRS for SMEs


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