在ACCA考試中,Ethical threats職業道德部分可是一個每年必考、較為重點的內容,同時這個考點相對來說比較簡單,是大家必拿分的內容,今天會計網就給大家總結關于Ethical threats職業道德部分內容,值得各位關注。
說到職業道德部分的考題,主要是指對于考察Ethical threats的題型,其既可能出現在Section A的選擇題,也可能出現在Section B的問答題,但無論出現在哪部分基本都是以案例分析的形式出現,而且一般都是考察兩方面的內容:
Self-interest 自身利益
1) Undue dependence on fee income from one client.
2) Close personal or business relationships.
3) Direct financial interest in a client.
4) Concern over loss of significant client.
5) Contingent fee arrangements.
6) Member of audit team entering into employment negotiations with client.
7) The discovery of a significant error during a re-evaluation of the work undertaken by the member.
Self-review 自我評價
1) Member of assurance team being or recently having been employed by the client in a position to influence the subject matter being reviewed.
2) Involvement in implementation of financial system and subsequently reporting on the operation of said system.
3) Firm having prepared the original data used to generate records that are the subject matter of the assurance engagement, for example, preparing clients’ financial statements.
4) Performing a service for a client that directly affects the subject matter of an assurance engagement.
Advocacy 過度推介
1) Acting as an advocate on behalf of a client in litigation or disputes.
2) Promoting shares in a listed audit client.
Familiarity 親密關系
1) Long association with a client.
2) Acceptance of gifts or preferential treatment (significant value).
3) Former partner of firm being employed by client.
4) A person in a position to influence financial or non-financial reporting or business decisions having an immediate or close family member who is in a position to benefit from that influence.
Intimidation 外在壓力
1) Threat of litigation.
2) Threat of removal as assurance firm.
3) Threat of not being awarded non-audit engagements if disagree with directors’ accounting treatment.
4) Accountant threatened by audit partner of not being promoted within the firm if disagree with client.
5) Dominant personality of client director attempting to influence decisions.
6) Pressure to reduce inappropriately the extent of work performed in order to reduce fees.
第一種safeguard簡單粗暴的是Decline拒絕,適用于被審計客戶向審計師提供禮物和款待gifts and hospitality,向審計師提供特別待遇preferential treatment,或者是請求審計師替客戶打官司,代表客戶與稅務局打交道等Advocacy threat涉及到的情形,都應當直接拒絕客戶(尤其涉及禮物金額較大的情況下);
第二種常見的safeguard是Rotation of team member將“受到污染”的同事換掉,例如與被審計客戶存在各種親密關系,跟客戶商討聘用事宜,在客戶那邊有優惠利率的貸款,以及為客戶提供記賬,稅務,咨詢等服務,這類審計團隊成員都應被剔除出該項目的審計團隊;